The Value of a Well-Drafted Release or "Hold Harmless" Clause for Non-Profits
The legal "Release" is a document by which one agrees to "release from" or waive liability from another, potentially even if the liability results from the released party's own negligence. A broader contract will often contain a release provision, sometimes called a "hold harmless" clause. The Release is an essential part of countless contractual documents. In fact, one could argue that a Release should at least be considered as a part of any contract. Two recent Illinois appellate cases (both out of the First District) provide good examples of how courts analyze a Release, both in the context of personal injury claims involving not-for-profit, charitable activities in which an accident occurred. The cases are sobering reminders that without the proper legal documents, charitable organizations and other parties involved in an event can be held liable for injuries that occur despite the best of intentions or the unquestioned good of the cause sup...