Illinois Reduces Filing Fees for Limited Liability Companies

If you own an interest in an Illinois Limited Liability Company (LLC), good news! Effective yesterday, certain filing fees have been significantly reduced. See this press release from Secretary of State Jesse White's office for details as to the fee changes. If you have a current LLC, you are required to file Annual Reports with the State, and pay the annual filing fee associated with that. This fee is being reduced from $250 to $75. The fee is generally due on the anniversary of forming your LLC, which means the payment due date is different for each LLC. The Secretary of State typically mails the Annual Report form out a few months in advance of the due date. If your LLC annual report is due soon, you should doublecheck to ensure that you do not accidentally overpay the fee. For those who may have been holding off on forming a corporation or LLC due to cost concerns, this fee reduction is also great news! To file "Articles of Organizatio...